Healing Angels
“Healing Angels” is ideal for IET students who want to learn to call upon the Angels and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. Great for students who do not have any IET Training but who love angels. It is also ideal for IET students who want to learn to call upon the Healing Angels (Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestina, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah, and Michael) and add a special spiritual dimension to their sessions. You will learn the special healing gift that each angel brings and a special prayer of invitation to call upon the angel. Everyone from angel novices to experts can benefit from this class. This class is based on a powerful four-step process that enables you to energetically connect with the Healing Angels and develop your personal relationship with each of them. In this class, you will be led by your IET Master-Instructor through this four-step process to systematically focus on each of the Healing Angels. The group energy created in this class will enable you to connect much more powerfully with the Healing Angels than you can do alone. Even “psychic turnips” (those students who cannot feel, see, taste, smell, or sense energy in any way) often have powerful energetic awareness of the Healing Angels in this class.
- Duration: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm (EST) or can be broken into several sessions
- Prerequisite : None
- Cost: $222.00 (including HST)
- Material will be provided